by Jenn M3 Like the greenery, the resting spot for pedestrians at the median. The only thing that would make it better would be a raised crosswalk.
Dec 19, 2012 at 12:18 PM
by Julian V Raised crosswalks are not always the right thing to do, especially if along an emergency route, bus route, etc. I'm not saying raised crosswalks are not good, they are great, they just have to be placed at the right locations. By the look of this street, being a 4-lane street (and a beautiful 4-lane street), a raised crosswalk may not even be feasible.
by Charlene G Photo tagged Like.
by Matt S15 Photo tagged Like.
by Lauren C4 Photo tagged Like.
by Aliceia L Photo tagged Like.
by Aliceia L Nice. I would go on a walk here.
by Jaime S2 would be a great walk, lots of shade.
by Jaime S2 Photo tagged Like.
by Lisa R22 Photo tagged Like.
by Gordon S1 Photo tagged Like.
by Trish S Photo tagged Like.
by John R18 Photo tagged Like.
by Jared Y1 Photo tagged Like.
by Brian D13 Photo tagged Like.
by Matt A8 Photo tagged Like.
by Jenn M3 Like the greenery, the resting spot for pedestrians at the median. The only thing that would make it better would be a raised crosswalk.
by Julian V Raised crosswalks are not always the right thing to do, especially if along an emergency route, bus route, etc. I'm not saying raised crosswalks are not good, they are great, they just have to be placed at the right locations. By the look of this street, being a 4-lane street (and a beautiful 4-lane street), a raised crosswalk may not even be feasible.
by Jenn M3 Photo tagged Like.
by Sandra K2 Photo tagged Don't Like.
by Holly S2 Photo tagged Like.
by Jennifer S18 Photo tagged Like.